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Repair cafe and A Methodist Way of Life

Repair Café and A Methodist Way of life.

The repair café concept aligns with A Methodist Way of Life in three areas. If you would like to talk with us about any of these areas please do get in touch via our contact page or speak to one of the volunteers at the cafe.

Remember not all all our volunteers are members of the church and some will not be coming from a faith background, however there will also be someone from the local church who is available to talk.


  • We will help people in our communities and beyond. – Providing services and a place to learn for people who do not have the luxury of simply replacing damaged items.
  • We will care for creation and all God's gifts. – Cutting down on some of the items that would otherwise end up in waste tips or illegally dumped at the roadside.

Learning and Caring:

  • We will care for ourselves and those around us. – As well as helping to repair items, the café will provide a safe place for people to talk and meet and to share their gifts and talents with the community.
  • We will practise hospitality and generosity. – One thing we do well is cakes and a warm welcome. The repair cafe gives us another opportunity to show and share hospitality to whoever comes through the doors.


  • The repair café will also create opportunities for evangelism as we establish new and deepen existing relationships within the community. However, this is not the primary goal of the café and repairs, or involvement, are not contingent on people being willing to speak about faith.
  • We will speak of the love of God. – The Café will offer opportunities to speak of God's Love as we develop closer relationships with the local community.
  • We will live in a way that draws others to Jesus. – The Café will give us an opportunity to demonstrate God's Love for the people in our communities and for the whole of creation.
  • We will share our faith with others – As people get to know us the café will provide opportunities to share our faith stories in response to their questions and enquiries.

Get In Touch

07400 601143

Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit