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Leeds (North & East)
Methodist Circuit

Garforth Methodist Church

Church Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NW

Rev'd Becki Stennett MA (minister)
0113 287 2412

Mrs Jenny Kyle (senior steward)
0113 287 7922

Mr Philip & Mrs Janet Lymath (room bookings)
0113 286 6326


Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Mr Grenville Jensen

Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Becki Stennett (Covenant Service)

Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Janice Green

christ church halton messy chu
christ church halton prayer tr
christ church halton coffee mo
christ church halton remembran
See more Christ Church photos
christ church halton harvest
christ church halton jubilee
christ church halton worship

Christ Church, Halton is a Local Ecumenical Partnership church, in both Methodist and United Reformed traditions. We welcome people of any or no previous church affiliation to join with us in learning more about the Christian faith. In October 2019 we marked the 30th anniversary of the signing of a covenant between the two former churches.


Our main act of worship takes place every Sunday at 10.30. We have activities available, when children do attend, in the lounge area of the church and the Junior Church Team are happy to supervise children if parents or carers would like to stay in their seat for the service.

Messy Church meets on the second Saturday of the month and attracts many parents and carers with their children. Craft and occasionally musical activity is followed by a short act of worship for all ages. Our Messy Church celebrated its 10th birthday in February 2020.

United in love of Christ but at varying stages of the faith journey we also meet at other times for prayer, praise and a variety of fellowship groups.

So no matter whereabouts you are in faith we would be pleased if you would come and travel alongside us. Our church has a full programme of events and activities to suit all ages and abilities.

If you would like further information before joining with us for worship or any other activity, please contact one of those listed above, or just come along and introduce yourself. Be assured we are always pleased to welcome newcomers.

Mission Statement

We believe that God is leading us to serve Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit

  • To meet regularly for worship and prayer
  • To provide a community of peace, friendship and support for all ages
  • To develop the spiritual and social growth of all associated with the partnership
  • To maintain and develop relationships with our parent denominations and with other local churches
  • To be a spiritual and social resource within the local community, working alongside other people of faith or of no faith
  • To share in the pursuit of peace, justice and the integrity of creation.
© 2024 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit

Get In Touch

07400 601143

Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

Circuit Map