Church Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NW
Rev'd Becki Stennett MA (minister)
0113 287 2412
Mrs Jenny Kyle (senior steward)
0113 287 7922
Mr Philip & Mrs Janet Lymath (room bookings)
0113 286 6326
Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Mr Grenville Jensen
Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Becki Stennett (Covenant Service)
Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Janice Green
Christ Church Halton LEP was inaugurated Oct 1989 and opened its new building in May 1993. Located in asuburban area in East Leeds, 5 miles from the city centre. With a combined membership of 71, an averageSunday congregation around 40 mostly over 65yrs and a Junior Church available as required
Our worship lifeis eclectic and different forms of worship and prayer are welcomed. Concordia music group often sing beforeand during worship and a URC registered Worship Team leads worship as requested.
There is an activemonthly Messy Church, currently an average of 20 children along with parents attend. Rainbow and BrownieGuides are affiliated to the church.
At the other end of the age range a successful Guild is open to all, those of faith and no faith. A weekly
Luncheon Club where elderly members of the community enjoy a hot meal and chat. Saturday coffee morningis popular with local people and church members. We further engage with the wider community through bi-annual plant sales, fairs and monthly table top sales.
Our aim is to serve God and the community, all are welcome and we work hard to make this so.
We share worship occasionally with other churches in the Methodist Circuit and Leeds URC Partnership. At present Revd. Dr Nicola Robinson URC and Revd. Edward Sakwe Methodist each serve 25% at Christ Church. Stewards/Elders oversee the spiritual life of the church and care for our Ministers well-being, with a Pastoral Carers team caring for the congregation. We are registered for marriage including same sex marriage.
The building, is designed to be flexible with sliding walls, and is well appreciated by church and community groups, including St. John's Cadets and Badgers, Slimming World, a Keep Fit group, plus a pre-school which has two sessions daily in the upstairs rooms five days per week.
If you would like further information before joining with us for worship or any other activity, please contact one of those listed above, or just come along and introduce yourself. Be assured we are always pleased to welcome newcomers.
We believe that God is leading us to serve Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit
Registered Charity no. 1131455
07400 601143
Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place