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Methodist Circuit
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Worship Links

Over the last year a number of churches and musicians have recorded videos for use in online worship as well as for on-site services where there are no musicians available.

The musicians and churches linked on this page have currently given explicit permission for churches and individuals to use their recordings as part of an act of worship.

Ideally videos should be shared from the link provided, although you can also try to get in touch with the content creator to request a copy of the file.

Anything used needs to be reported on with the relevant CCL Number under your church's licence. If your act of worship is being live streamed in any manner then please make sure that your church has a current streaming licence and that it is displayed as part of the live stream. It is also polite to credit the musicians and singers involved.

We hope this page is useful in planning and resourcing worship. Please do feel free to get in touch with any suggestions for resources you think could be added, or if you have any questions about using these resources in an act of worship.

Singing the Faith Plus is always a good starting point with hymns and songs matched to the Lectionary Readings.

The Worship Cloud is another excellent resource with a large range of ideas and resources for all aspects of worship. You will need to sign up for an account and pay a small subscription to access resources.

Worship Words provides a range of free worship materials and resources which seek to be Inclusive, thoughtful, progressive, relevant, faithful and accessible.

Resound Worship, is a collective of British worship songwriters seeking to resource the church with songs that engage heart mind and soul. There are a number of free resources, but there is a small charge for some of those resources that take more
time to produce.

Engageworship, is a new expression of the Music and Worship Foundation, furthering the vision and values of MWF for a new generation. We aim to resource local churches for creative, innovative and world-changing worship; engaging with God, each other and the world around us.

YouTube Music Resources.

A play list of recordings from the Leeds North and East Circuit.

Matt Beckingham's YouTube Channel features some of Matt's original music as well as recordings from Singing the Faith and recordings with the National Methodist Choir of Great Britain, as well as some other useful reflections on worship.

Paul Coleman, Our circuit Mission and Ministry Enabler also has a YouTube channel with a large number of recordings from Singing the Faith, as well as some original worship music and a few new arrangements of traditional hymns.

Ruth and Joy Everingham have a large selection of hymns and songs, mainly from Singing the Faith.

Get In Touch

07400 601143

Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

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© 2025 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit