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East Leeds Repair Cafe

Repair Café events are held monthly on the 3rd Saturday of the month between 11am and 2pm.

"Repair Cafés are free meeting places and they're all about repairing things (together). In the place where a Repair Café is located, you'll find tools and materials to help you make any repairs you need. On clothes, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles, crockery, appliances, toys, et cetera. You'll also find expert volunteers, with repair skills in all kinds of fields.

Visitors bring their broken items from home. Together with the specialists they start making their repairs in the Repair Café. It's an ongoing learning process. If you have nothing to repair, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Or you can lend a hand with someone else's repair job. You can also get inspired at the reading table – by leafing through books on repairs and DIY."

One of the consequences of our modern "throwaway" lifestyle is that many devices or products that would once have been repaired now end up on the scrap heap. Contributing to growing problem of waste. Many of these items are not recycled as it is often not cost effective or energy efficient to do so. With some basic skills and a little time many of these items can be easily repaired, remaining in use and out of the city dumps.

The East Leeds Repair Cafe is a safe space to bring items in need of repair to try and keep them out of our city dumps as well as helping to reduce the cost of replacing these items when it is unnecessary.

Our volunteers will attempt to help you repair your item(s), sharing their skills and talents as well as their passion for our community and for creation.

If a volunteer does not feel able to repair your item, they will try to offer advice as to how it can be repaired. You will be asked to sign a copy of the House Rules/Disclaimer, which can be downloaded from this page.

While this is a church initiative not all of our volunteers are members of the church and there is no obligation discuss faith in order to volunteer or to get items repaired. We simply ask that you be sympathetic to the beliefs of the Methodist Church.


Repair Cafe and a Methodist way of life

Get In Touch

07400 601143

Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

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© 2025 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit