As we enter the Methodist New Year the Methodist Church in the UK has committed to a year of prayer. We are called to be a people of prayer, and prayer is central to our developing relationship with God and with each other.
As part of this there is going to be a Weekly Online Prayer Meeting on Tuesdays at 12.45pm. This can also be viewed on Facebook Live here.
As a circuit we will also be committing to a monthly day of prayer for the circuit and our communities, making full use of our online prayer walls, to enable us to share prayers and prayer requests. (These pages are moderated and you may have to wait a short while for prayers/comments to be approved.)
These prayer walls can be accessed at anytime via the prayer wall page on this website.
For further prayer resources you can check out this page on the connexional website.
You can also find out about the #Stay and Pray initiative from the Joint Public Issues team, which is praying for a different social justice issue every day.
Registered Charity no. 1131455
07400 601143
Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place