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Methodist Circuit
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Christmas Carolling

As part of the planned Christmas services we are hoping to use a number of carols with singers from across the circuit taking part.

This link will give you access to the backing tracks and music for the six carols we are going to try and do in this way.

Each of the included folders contains a PdF of the sheet music as well as four audio files. These include the Melody line (soprano) the alto part, the tenor part as well as a bass part.

If you are unsure which voice part you are, or just want to have a sing, then use the melody line.

In order to record your video, you will need to:

  • Listen through to the selected part, to make sure you know when to come in.
  • Please record landscape (phone or tablet on its side)
  • You can also record using a laptop if you prefer
  • (please try to set up so the camera is at eye level.)
  • Please sing with earphones/headphones and listen to the audio track for your voice part while recording. (you might need to use a separate device to do this)
  • Please leave 5 seconds before and after singing, to help with editing
  • Once you have recorded your video you can send it to me using Wetransfer or another file sharing system.

Please get all recordings to me by 12th December so we have plenty of time to get the videos finalised before Christmas.

Please send all recorded files to pcolemanleedsnande@gmail.com and feel free to get in touch if you have any questions or need any assistance recording.

The most important part of this is to have some fun – so while it may be a bit early why not break out the Christmas jumpers, hats, or even some tinsel.

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07400 601143

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Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

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© 2025 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit