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Praying for COP26


Over the next few days Christians around the world will be joining together to pray for the discussions taking place at COP26. There are lots of resources for use individually, in small groups, or even joining others online via zoom.
Pray and Fast for the Climate has a set of prayer points based on the conference timetable with prayer points for each day. They can be downloaded HERE.

Green Christian or hosting daily prayers at 8am every morning throughout COP26. You can join them on Zoom by following THIS LINK.

They also have a set of resources to help people in holding a prayer vigil for COP26. These can be accessed HERE.

Revd Jon Swales from St George's in Leeds has released a set of 26 prayers for the Climate and Ecological Emergency. This can be downloaded HERE.

All we Can also have a variety of climate justice based resources which you can find HERE.

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