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Supporting NET at Garforth

During lockdown the congregation at Garforth has been supporting NET.

From the NET website : "The Neighbourhood Elders Team – works in the 13 villages of East Leeds providing support to older people over the age of 60 and their carers. NET’s main aims are to identify and respond to the needs of older people and their carers, reduce loneliness & isolation, promote healthy lifestyles, to enable older people to remain independently within their own community and to enjoy life."

Members of the congregation have been given some names from NET who are vulnerable. These people are rung nearly every day to see if anything is needed. From medication to shopping items. If any problems arise, members cascade to a team leader who contacts NET who sort out the problem for these elderly people. Very fulfilling.

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07400 601143

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Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

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