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Lent and Easter 2021

Lent and Easter 2021

As we approach Lent and Easter this year it is hard to believe that we have been living with the Coronavirus for almost a year now. At a time when we often think about giving something up to help reflect on our own faith journey, it may not feel like there is anything else we can give up this year.

This year we invite you to join us in focusing on the unchanging promises of God. As well as producing a booklet of reflections. Each week will contain a piece of liturgy to be used as part of our Sunday worship, as well as a series of reflections and activities. As with our Advent booklet there is also plenty of colouring. A PDF of the Booklet can be downloaded from this page.
There is also a PDF of the main colouring images from the booklet that can be downloaded and printed out.
Here is a list of the activities and study groups taking place across the circuit. There are links to the different books and resources being used as well as contact details to let you access the zoom details. If you have any questions or need some help with the cost of one of the books, please do get in touch.

Lent plans at Oakwood Church

  • Ash Wednesday Zoom Worship – 17th February at 1930
  • Five Tuesday evenings at 1930 – everyone welcome to any session

Book ClubNo need to have read the book! Church copies are in circulation in advance.

Lent Book – Broken Bits & Weirdness: but God still loves us, by Fay Rowland. (2021) )

You may like to get a copy from Amazon or see the authors blog for more information – It is an all age bookwith thoughts, prayers, activites and recipes:
'Meet nine of the Bible's most dismal failures and find out how God still loves them, even with their Broken Bits & Wierdnes.'
As usual we will have three focused sessions with some ideas from the book shared in advance, there will be some links to the book on Sundays, and we encourage everyone to join in whether or not you can come along to any of that.

  • 23 Feb: Lent Session 1. Naaman
  • 9 Mar: Lent Session 2. Martha
  • 30 Mar: Lent Session 3. Cyrus
  • Every Monday Evening in Lent (22 Feb – 29 Mar) – Compline at 21.15
  • all on the usual Oakwood Church Zoom Room.

Contact George Bailey for details – mailto:george.bailey@methodist.org.uk

Rooted in Love: Lent Reflections on the Life of Christ

edited by Sarah Mullally
Available on Eden.co.uk for £9.98 or as an e-book on Amazon.
Or contact Rev Becki for help ordering.

Rev Becki Stennet invites you to join her in using this book of relfections and devotions this Lent, and to join the accompanying WhatsApp Group for discussion.

The WhatsApp Group will be open Mondays – Thursdays 9am – 9pm only and will be closed after Easter. Should you wish to join t he WhatsApp Group, please send a message via WhatsApp to Becki on 07566795211. Or by email to becki_stennett@Yahoo.co.uk
There will also be the opportunity to gather as a gropu to discuss the book on Zoom each Tuesday in Lent at 8pm for no more than one hour.

Christian Faith Patterns With Chapel Allerton Methodist Church

At the heart of this course is a desire to encourage Christians to reflect on practical elements of their faith: to break down some of the taboos or anxieties about talking about faith matters, and to give opportunity to grow by giving space over to discussion, reflection and sharing with those likeminded (or not!) people around us.
For more details on the course check out the webpage.

There will be two gropus meeting on Zoom

  • Monday evenings 1930 from 22nd Feb – 22nd Mar
  • Tuesday Afternoons 1400 from 2rd Feb – 23rd Mar

Contact mark.stennett@methodist.org.uk for details of how to Join.

"In the Shadow of the Cross" Roscoe & Trinity Lent Group Study Sessions

  • Friday 26th Feb – 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 3rd March – 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 10th March – 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 17th March – 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 24th March – 7.00pm

Contact Revd Edward Sakwe revsakwe@yahoo.co.uk for details of how to Join.

Walking Towards Glory

A Lent study led by Revd Helen White.
OurCircuit Lent booklet and liturgy is based mainly on the Old Testament readings for Lent so for our Lent study group this year, I have chosen a Bible Study written by John Birch, based on the Gospel passages for each Sunday of Lent.

Here is his description from the introduction:

We begin our journey through Lent as Jesus is baptized in the Jordan. Encouraged by our encounter we take up our cross to follow him, watch as tables are overturned in the Temple, discover something of the length and breadth of God's love for us and eventually find ourselves in Jerusalem (just after the triumphal entry into the city) as Jesus agonizes over the fate that now awaits him.

There are no books to buy, as it comes in a pdf, I've bought which has permission to share for the purposes of group study. Perhaps you could make a donation to an appropriate Lent charity instead.
We will meet on Tuesdays at 7.30pm and will finish no later than 9pm.

23/2, 02/03, 09/03, 16/03, 23/03

Contact Revd Helen White helen.white@methodist.org.uk for a copy of the material.

LPMC & Shadwell Bible Study led by Rev Tanya Short

Contact Rev Tanya Short on 01132666791 or tanya.short65@gmail.com

Get In Touch

07400 601143

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Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

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