Leeds (North & East) Logo Link
Leeds (North & East)
Methodist Circuit

Garforth Methodist Church

Church Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NW

Rev'd Becki Stennett MA (minister)
0113 287 2412

Mrs Jenny Kyle (senior steward)
0113 287 7922

Mr Philip & Mrs Janet Lymath (room bookings)
0113 286 6326


Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Mr Grenville Jensen

Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Becki Stennett (Covenant Service)

Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Janice Green

colton church window
remembrance display
little library
harvest 1
See more Colton photos
harvest 2
colton roll of honour
colton cross gates zoom 1
brownie window
thankyou cross
christmas angels 2019 1
christmas angels 2019 2

Colton Methodist Church is situated in the "old" part of Colton Village, with modern housing developments continuing to grow around us. Our vision is that we are seen as a vibrant place of worship at the heart of the Colton Community.

Mission Statement: We are a community of God's people responding to the good news of God's love in Christ.

There has been a Methodist Church in Colton since 1832, although the current church building is relatively new, designed to enable use by the community as well as for worship. In addition to Sunday worship and Junior Church, several church-linked and other groups meet on the premises during the week.

Sunday Morning Worship takes place at 10.30 am each week in the building, along with Junior Church (except when all age worship). Worship at Home sheets can be distributed to those who can't get to the building, and worship is available on Zoom or YouTube most weeks via other churches in the Circuit.

Family JAM (Jesus and Me) 4th Sunday of each month 4pm to 6pm. This is an informal time of gathering, hearing a Bible story, responding using craft, creativity and conversation, a short time of prayer and a song, then eating a meal together. This is especially suitable for families with children aged 4-12, but everyone is most welcome, whether you have children in your family or not.

Wednesday Coffee Morning10.30am to 11.30am. Drop in for a cuppa and chat

Wednesday JAM (Jesus and Me)which meets on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month after the Wednesday Coffee Morning (so it usually starts 11.45ish for about 45 minutes). We will share an episode from the life of Jesus, some quiet reflection on what we've heard, a prayer, a hymn and a light lunch.

For further information you can contact us as follows: Minister: Rev Becki Stennett

0113 2872412
(For enquiries about baptisms, weddings, funerals, and any pastoral concerns)

Bookings Secretary Shirley Dann
0113 2820828
(for enquiries about booking the church premises for an event or activity)

Senior StewardKathryn Glasby
07503 740500
(For enquiries about receiving updates from the church, newsletters, and other worship at home options)

Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
See https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/ or contact the leader if your daughter is already a member

Beavers, Cubs and Scouts
See https://www.scouts.org.uk/ or contact the leader if your child is already a member

Other groups and activities on the premises:

Baby Ballet Monday morning. See https://babyballet.co.uk/babyballet-school/leeds-east-tadcaster/ or email leedseast@babyballet.co.uk for further details.

Ballroom dancing
1st, 3rd & 5th Mondays in the month 1pm to 3pm

Boot Camp / Circuit Training

Monday evenings 6.15 to 7.15 pm.


Tuesday mornings from 11am

Toddler Group
Thursday morning 10.00 to 11.30 am. Open to all parents/carers and pre-school children

Keep Fit
Thursday evenings 6 to 7 pm.

Get In Touch

07400 601143

Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Leeds (North & East) Methodist Circuit