Church Lane, Garforth, Leeds, LS25 1NW
Rev'd Becki Stennett MA (minister)
0113 287 2412
Mrs Jenny Kyle (senior steward)
0113 287 7922
Mr Philip & Mrs Janet Lymath (room bookings)
0113 286 6326
Jan 3rd, 10:30 am – Mr Grenville Jensen
Jan 10th, 10:30 am – Rev'd Becki Stennett (Covenant Service)
Jan 17th, 10:30 am – Mrs Janice Green
Welcome to Garforth Methodist Church, a suburban church on the outskirts of Leeds, welcoming people of all ages and abilities.
In addition to traditional worship we also enjoy various styles of worship including cafe and All Age.
Our church building is used extensively by the wider community enjoying a wide range of activities.
Sunday 10.30 a.m
1st Sunday – All Age Worship
2nd Sunday – Traditional (with Junior Church throughout)
3rd Sunday – Starting Together (Junior Church start in Church, then leave for their worship)
4th Sunday – Holy Communion (Junior Church join at the end for communion)
Mid-Week Communion on 2nd Wednesday of the month at 10.00 a.m
Sharing Jesus, sharing life.
We are a Christian Church active in and open to our local community, working alongside other churches in our town and the wider community.
Our aim is to seek God through Jesus and the Holy Spirt, together learning how to be God's people.
We are working towards a compassionate and forgiving society to bring about a reconciled, just and peaceful world.
Our individual and collective mission is fashioned by a church life which provides opportunities for growth.
Junior Church – 2nd, 3rd & 4th Sundays 10.30 to 11.30 am
Toddlers 9.30am
Forget me not café 1.30pm
Girls Brigade 5.45pm
Toddlers 9.30am
Luncheon Club (3rd Thursday) 12.30pm
Boys Brigade 6pm
Zoom Bible Study (fortnightly) 7.30pm
Papercraft Plus (2nd and 4th Fri) 1pm
Coffee Morning (3rd Sat) 10am
Caroline Atha School of Dance, Garforth Musical Society, Garforth Railway Circle, Garforth Brass Band
Registered Charity no. 1131455
07400 601143
Circuit Office
Lidgett Park Methodist Church
Lidgett Place